
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Responding to FASDs from a Social Perspective, a Conversation with Liam Curran
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
In this conversation, Liam Curran talks about FASDs, what they are, there prevalence in the child welfare system, issues with diagnoses, and responding from a social perspective.
Liam is a social worker, Certified CDC Educator of FASDs, and a member of the Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF) at McGill university, Montreal. He is currently undertaking his PhD at Concordia University, Montreal, focusing on how social workers respond to FASDs in child welfare settings. Liam has researched and published numerous articles, chapters and co-authored a book on the topic of FASDs.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
The Charges Don't Define You
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
On this episode of Your Right to Speak, Salvatore talks with Elena Gordon who is the Youth Justice Case Lead at For Youth Initiative. Elena talks about the gaps within the youth justice sector and the need for change in the sector. Elena stresses in the conversation there needs to be more education offered to young people regarding youth justice. The discussion then turns to the pros and cons of utilizing restorative justice. For more information For Youth Initiative, please visit http://www.foryouth.ca/

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Adultism in Special Education Policy; A Conversation with Salvatore D'Agastino
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
On this episode, Wolfgang and Salvatore have a conversation about Salvatore’s recently completed Master’s research paper. In the discussion, Salvatore explains the term “adultism”, how it shows up in special education policy, the relevance of policy for those who work with children and youth, and how to work with young people (particularly those labeled disabled) to address adultism.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Austism - The Soil in the Garden of Identity
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
On this episode of Your Right to Speak Salvatore talks with Nancy Marshall and Falon Wilton. The conversation continues from last month’s episode on the topic of disability. This month we have a focus on autistic young people. Nancy and Falon explain using the term autistic versus autism and the impacts that can come from using the term autism. Nancy and Falon stress that a social justice lens should be used when working in the disability community, with verbal and non-verbal children and youth.
Let’s raise awareness together!
If you are a child or youth that would like to be on the show or have a topic that you think we should discuss, please email Salvatore at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Bringing our “Lived Experience” to Work, A Conversation with Dr Julie Repper
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
In this conversation with Dr. Julie Repper, we talk about people with “lived experience” working in the mental health system, Recovery Colleges, peer support workers, and what impact sharing one’s own experiences can have.
Dr. Repper is the director of Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC), an organization based in Nottinghamshire, UK. She is a nurse, a manager, a researcher and lecturer focusing in particular on mental health services, and Recovery approaches.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Changing How To View People with Disabilities
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
On this episode, we are talking about disability and practice with Shay Erlich. who has just completed her Masters in Child and Youth Care at Ryerson University. Shay talks about some of the gaps and challenges faced by young people with disabilities and the unique culture within the deaf community. Shay discusses the need for CYCs to take into consideration accessibility needs of individuals and the importance of including young people’s voices in the conversation around their accommodations. Shay also talks about how a CYC practitioner, who themselves has a disability, can impact the relationship between the young person and the practitioner.
Let’s raise awareness together!

Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
This episode is an audio recording of the opening keynote presentation at the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care 2017 conference. The keynote was delivered by Heather Snell, Shadan Hyder, Cory Mackinlay, and Paul Kitz, and it was choreographed by Coleen Snell. The actual keynote, as you might guess from the inclusion of a choreographer, was not the usual keynote fare. An audio recording does not accurately represent the keynote as presented. Along with Heather, three students shared some of their own experiences related to being in Child and Youth Care. Accompanying each student was a dancer. Thus, there was a highly visual aspect to the key note, which is not adequately captured in the audio recording. However, after discussions with Heather and the students, we decided to post the audio because it still raises many important points for consideration, particularly to those who teach in Child and Youth Care.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Ethical Politics and Young People
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
On this episode of Your Right to Speak we talk with Ian Green who is a professor at York University's Master of Public Policy, Administration, and Law. Ian talks about ethical politics and its relation to young people. In the first part of the episode Ian discusses the challenges and strengths of ethical politics, in the second he argues that policy makers should have training in anti-oppression to better address some of the stigmas people bring with them when developing policy. Ian also mentions how young people can be better engage in politics.
Let’s raise awareness together!
If you are a child or youth that would like to be on the show or have a topic that you think we should discuss, please email Salvatore and Jenn at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
In early June 2017, the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care had their conference in Toronto. Over the course of the summer we will be uploading several different presentations and talks from this conference.
This is the last presentation from Educators Day, which happened the day before the regular conference. Rather than having teachers speaking to teachers, this year we had students and system-involved young people present to educators. We called the day, Learning from the Educated. This presentation by Tanitia Munroe speaks to issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, with a particular focus on Black students in post-secondary schooling in Canada.

Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
We are continuing our uploading of presentations from the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care conference which took place in June 2017. Today’s episode is called Walking the Path Towards Meaningful Youth Engagement. The presentation is by two young people who lived in residential care and three Ryerson University Master’s in Child and Youth Care Students.
The following is the conference abstract:
Walking the Path Towards Meaningful Youth Engagement
Since the ratification of the UNCRC, the participation and voice of young people has become a focus in child and youth serving organizations. Progress has been made, however young people still find themselves silenced, dismissed, and removed from the conversations and decisions impacting their lives. Current initiatives for youth engagement are often limited through tokenistic and outdated approaches, that result in young people continuing to feel as though they are not heard and do not have control over their own lives. We as CYCs need to model and advocate for the advancement of meaningful and authentic youth engagement. In order to do this, we need to unpack the complexities and barriers so we can envision a way forward. This presentation will focus on the role of CYC practitioners to support and partner with young people to elevate their voices and participation in the care and services they receive. Through a reflective process, we will examine the barriers that inhibit us from fully implementing a youth engagement approach in our daily practice. CYCs have the responsibility to navigate through these barriers.
Camille Bautista is a current high school student and Ryerson bound hopeful with a particular passion concerning the complexities surrounding philosophical conundrums. She aspires to become a lawyer in the hopes of lending her voice and determination to advocate for the rights of either the environment’s protection or refugee crises.
Charles Jackson is a current student of Fleming College in the Academic Upgrading program, who will be attending Fleming in the fall for the Personal Support Worker Program. Charles hopes to work with the disabled and elderly community, in order to help them remember their humanity and special place in our society.
Joe Blake, BA CYC is currently enrolled in the MA CYC program and has been working in the field of CYC for seven years. Joe’s interests in the field particularly lie in the areas of the youth justice system, restorative practices, social justice, Indigenous practices and youth advocacy.
Amanda Mayhew, BA CYC, MA CYC candidate, is a dynamic CYC practitioner who has been in the field for 8 years. Her expertise is in residential care, where she has been a leader in relational and strength-based approaches. Amanda is well versed in the research on children’s rights and youth engagement. Her passion is advocating for young people to be included in all decisions that impact their lives.
Christopher Tone, BA CYC, MA CYC candidate, has practiced in the CYC field in varying capacities for approximately twelve years. The bulk of his experience lies in school based and residential care for young people who have been dually diagnosed and/or have ASD. Christopher is keenly interested in exploring issues surrounding street involved youth, and the application of children’s rights in Canada and in international contexts

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Meeting Them Where They Are At: Relational Approaches
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
On this episode of Your Right to Speak we talk with child and youth counsellor Vanessa Lackraj. Vanessa talks about relational approaches and strength-based practice. Throughout the episode, Vanessa stresses the importance of CYCs to be working in the moment, meeting young people where they are at, and recognizing that young people are experts in their own lives. Vanessa also offers advice to new CYCs entering the field and wisdom on how to address boundary challenges with young people.
Let’s raise awareness together!
If you are a child or youth that would like to be on the show or have a topic that you think we should discuss, please email Salvatore and Jenn at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
In early June 2017, the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care had their conference in Toronto. Over the course of the summer we will be uploading several different presentations and talks from this conference.
We are starting with presentations from Educators Day, which happened the day before the regular conference. Rather than having teachers speaking to teachers, this year we had students and system-involved young people present to educators. We called the day, Learning from the Educated. These two short presentations are Sunbal and Aisha Mohammad. They spoke about being Muslim students, their decision to start wearing a hijab while in the program, and facing white privilege as religious and racialized students.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
OACYC Educators Day 2017: A presentation by Shyanne Nichols
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
In early June 2017, the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care had their conference in Toronto. Over the course of the summer we will be uploading several different presentations and talks from this conference.
We are starting with presentations from Educators Day, which happened the day before the regular conference. Rather than having teachers speaking to teachers, this year we had students and system-involved young people present to educators. We called the day, Learning from the Educated. This presentation is from Shyanne Nichols. Shyanne spoke about being a student who started her degree in Child and Youth Care while in the child welfare system, and her experiences transitioning out of care while in the program.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Feeling Uncomfortable and Challenging Ourselves: Using an Anti-Oppression Framework.
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Episode 100: 15 Years of Being a Foster Parent with Sandra Davis
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Sandra Davis is a foster parent whose been loving, caring for, and supporting young women for over 15 years. In this conversation, Sandra discusses the joys and challenges of foster care, where she sees it going in the future, and provides some thoughts for those considering becoming a foster parent.
Thank you for listening to our 100th episode! Please feel free to LIKE us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/CYCPodcast, and subscribe to us on iTunes and Stitcher!