
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
On this week’s episode of #RisingYouth Podcast Jade interviews 2 bright Individuals helping increase awareness of indigenous teachings in the home community and the struggles of setting up a grassroots project in a remote community.
Fox and Alexandra Nordstrom organized and facilitated a four-day summer program for Indigenous youth on Poundmaker and Little Pine First Nations that focused
on the intersection between arts, science, and conservation from an Indigenous perspective. Engaging students in a collaborative learning model that uses the Cree tradition of using land as pedagogy for scientific learning, Janay and Alexandra created a space for Indigenous youth to explore their Cree culture and Indigenous ways of learning.
To listen to Part 2 click here
For more information about #RisingYouth Grants please visit https://www.risingyouth.ca/

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Unsettling: A Conversation with Carmen Lee about Settling Elsewhere
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
This episode is a conversation with theatre artist, mask maker, and arts-facilitator Carmen Lee about their project Settle Elsewhere. Carmen is one half of the artistic team running Theatre du Poulet, a theatre company and non-profit organization based in Halifax, with a specialization in puppetry, mask performance and physical theatre. In the conversation, Carmen and Wolfgang speak about immigrating to Canada, creating provocative art, the role of artists in social justice, and ways to navigate the challenges of funding theatre projects. To learn more about Theatre du Poulet visit https://www.theatredupoulet.com/
French Transcript Here

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Expressing Advocacy Through Music, A Conversation with RudeGang Entertainment
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
On this episode of Your Right to Speak Salvatore talks with RudeGang Entertainment. Rudegang Entertainment is an Indigenous Hip Hop & Multimedia group based in the Greater Vancouver Area, B.C. In the conversation RudeGang members discuss music, advocacy, inspiring young people, and resisting colonialism.
Be Sure to check out Their new single Tides on Soundcloud
Follow Rudegang Entertainment on Instagram @RudegangEnt and be sure to check out #RisingYouth and the grants we provide at www.risingyouth.ca
Let’s Raise Awareness together!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Red Dress Project, Educating Youth on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman Crisis
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
On this week’s episode of the #RisingYouth Podcast, Jade Roberts Host of Still Here Still healing sits down with Mackenzie talking about her contribution to the Red Dress Project. Mackenzie our Alumni was inspired by the work Jamie Black, the Red Dress project is a response to the more than 1000 indigenous women who are missing or have been murdered in Canada. Symbolizing the indigenous women who are stolen from their families, an arrangement of red dresses are displayed in a public place. Mackenzie brought the project to her hometown of Fort McMurray to help raise awareness and educate other youth.
For more information regarding to help turn a passion into action visit: https://www.risingyouth.ca/

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Living Hyphen, a Conversation with Justine Yu
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
This episode, a collaboration between CYC Podcast and #Rising Youth, a program of Taking It Global, is a conversation with Justine Yu. Justine talks about the magazine and community building project called Living Hyphen. Living Hyphen began as a journal that explores the experiences of hyphenated Canadians – that is, individuals who call Canada home but who have roots in faraway places.
To learn more about the Living Hyphen please see https://livinghyphen.ca/ or visit their blog at https://medium.com/living-hyphen. And to find out how to signup for your own grant go to https://www.risingyouth.ca/
For our french listeners please check out this link!

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Passion à Action #JeunesEnAction | Passion to Action #RisingYouth
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
In this episode recorded in Montreal, Amira and Eva sit down with three #RisingYouth alumni to discuss ways to transform your passion into action. Nadia discusses her art project in a high school bathroom, Steeve talks about his Community Brunch, and Harry elaborates on his Youth Magazine. The intention with this series, produced in partnership with CYC Podcast and TakingITGlobal, is to give the floor to young leaders.
Dans cet épisode enregistré à Montréal, Amira et Eva s'entretiennent avec trois anciens participants du programme #JeunesEnAction et discute de façons de transformer votre passion en action. Nadia nous parle du projet artistique qu'elle va réaliser dans les toilettes d'une école secondaire, Harry nous partage les détails de la conception de son magazine jeunesse tandis que Steeve nous donne l'eau à la bouffe avec son projet de brunches communautaires. L’intention derrière cette série, produite en partenariat avec CYC Podcast et TakingItGlobal, est de laisser la parole aux jeunes porteurs de changements positifs au sein de leur communauté.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Sharing Lived Experience in Care and Advocacy Part 2
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
On this episode of Your Right to Speak Salvatore and Christopher continue the conversation they started from the previous episode. This episode main focus was on advocacy. Both Salvatore and Christopher share what they have learned in the field and some challenges to advocacy. Let's Raise Awareness Together!

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Sharing Lived Experience in care and Advocacy Part 1
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
On this episode of Your Right to Speak Salvatore talks with Christopher Cottle. Christopher talks very candidly about his lived experience in the care system. The conversation starts off with Christopher stating some of the challenges within the care system and then turns to the importance of young people having a mentor in and out of care. Christopher and Salvatore then start to discuss their experience in working with young people. This is part 1 of a 2 part episode. Let's Raise Awareness Together!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
This is part 2 of the conversation begun in October, 2019. Melanie Doucet and Harrison Pratt discuss the Photovoice research project titled Relationships Matter for Youth “Aging Out” of Care (https://www.yumpu.com/document/view/59918518/relationships-matter-e-book). Melanie and Harrison are both researchers with direct experience living in the child welfare system. In this episode, they discuss the place of arts in research, the Photovoice process, and analyzing images for themes.
To learn more about the project please visit:
Relationships Matter Project video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lmPDZ360ow&t=40s
· Relationships Matter Photo E-Book: https://www.yumpu.com/document/view/59918518/relationships-matter-e-book
· Relationships Matter Executive Summary + Research report (child welfare policy & practice oriented), published via the BC Representative for Children and Youth: https://rcybc.ca/reports-and-publications/reports/relationships-matter-youth-aging-out-care
· Megaphone Magazine cover story and article, January 2019, What do YOUth think? Research project that aims to improve B.C.'s foster care system goes straight to the source.
· Tyee article, December 13, 2018, Want to fix foster care? Ask kids who have been through the system
· Tyee article, December 15, 2017, Creating Connections Through Photography

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Mindfulness: Window of Tolerance
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
On this episode of your right to speak Salvatore talks with Deirdre Carroll on the topic of mindfulness practice. Deirdre has 12 years of experience in the social work field and youth and women and is a registered Psychotherapist who has extensively travelled to India to learn yoga instruction and other alternative health practices. Deirdre and Salvatore start the conversation speaking to how the word mindfulness has become a buzzword. The conversation then turns to what is mindfulness practice and offers advice to people entering the field of social work who are facilitating mindfulness. Let’s Raise Awareness Together!
If you would like you and contact Deirdre through Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=531936134000846&ref=content_filter
Or Instagram at deeserendipity44

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Melanie Doucet and Harrison Pratt discuss the Photovoice research project titled Relationships Matter for Youth “Aging Out” of Care (https://www.yumpu.com/document/view/59918518/relationships-matter-e-book). Melanie and Harrison are both researchers with direct experience living in the child welfare system. In this episode, part 1 of a two-part conversation, we talk about the genesis and intention behind the project, aspects of the 12 findings from the research, and their thought on the meaning of care.
To learn more about the project please visit:
Relationships Matter Project video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lmPDZ360ow&t=40s
· Relationships Matter Photo E-Book: https://www.yumpu.com/document/view/59918518/relationships-matter-e-book
· Relationships Matter Executive Summary + Research report (child welfare policy & practice oriented), published via the BC Representative for Children and Youth: https://rcybc.ca/reports-and-publications/reports/relationships-matter-youth-aging-out-care
· Megaphone Magazine cover story and article, January 2019, What do YOUth think? Research project that aims to improve B.C.'s foster care system goes straight to the source.
· Tyee article, December 13, 2018, Want to fix foster care? Ask kids who have been through the system
· Tyee article, December 15, 2017, Creating Connections Through Photograph

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Shame and Anti-Oppression - A Right to Speak
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
On this episode of Your Right To Speak Salvatore talks with Rima Dib who is the director of curriculum and education at Harmony At Work. The topic of the conversation is shaming and moving to a place of education with regard to anti-oppression. Rima explains the importance of not shaming people and the benefit of it. She offers an example of what shaming looks like and what a place of education looks like. Let’s Raise Awareness Together!

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Adolescent Substance Use: A conversation with Dennis Long
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
In this conversation Dennis Long speaks about adolescent substance use, if substance use is of concern (and why), the impacts of changing cannabis laws, opiate overdoses, harm reduction, and how to support parents
Dennis Long is the Former President of the Ontario Federation of Community Addictions and Mental Health Programs, the past Executive Director, of Breakaway Substance Abuse Treatment Centre, and a current teacher, educator, and activist related to substance use.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Find a Better System for Youth’s Transitions out of Care
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
On today’s episodes of A Right to Speak Salvatore talks with returning guest Alyssa. Alyssa is current a masters student at Ryerson’s Child and Youth care program. Alyssa will be talking to us about some her research regarding her thesis which she is currently conducting. Alyssa will be explaining to us how youth in care need a better system put in place for their transitional periods. Thank you Alyssa and we hope to have you on the show once your thesis is complete.