Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this episode, Wolfgang speaks with Krysten Bonikowsky and Shannon Cherry, about the research project Tuning into Child and Youth Care: An Audio-Drama Inquiry with Child and Youth Care practitioners who have lived in Residential Care. We begin by talking about the audio drama ReFiled (www.ReFiled.ca), which follows a CYCP from care working in a group home who finds herself in crises after putting a young person into restraint. The audio drama leads to discussions about the role of files in working with young people, what they do and don’t say about the young person, what they reveal about the writer, what it is like to be “from care” and working in the care system, and we end with thoughts about the benefits and limitations of such lived experiences.
To learn more about Tuning into Child and Youth Care and hear the audio drama episodes please visit TuningIntoCYC.org
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Video games and Relational Practice: A conversation with Aaron Crhak
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Episode 39 - Jeremiah Otis on the Importance of Youth Community Initiatives
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
In this episode Jeremiah Otis sits down with Salvatore to discuss music based programs in at risk areas. Jeremiah is a youth advocate, musician and producer; he has found peace and happiness in music. His goal is to spread this message to young people from all over. In this episode we find out how imperative youth led music programs can be with the right approach.
Jeremiah Otis on Instagram: @jotis16
For more information on the programs we provide please visit https://www.risingyouth.ca and https://www.tigweb.org
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Episode 14 - Sam on the LGBTQIA+ Experinece
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
For our season finale, we sat down and had a conversation with Samuel Ashirbekov. He is a transgender female to male and an aspiring advocate for youth in care. Samuel shares with us what it was like transitioning into his new identity while in the child welfare system. He shares the obstacles he faced before, during, and after encountering me (Chanice) in the group home we both lived in. Sam and I both lived in the same group home for a period of time and we reflect on our different experiences within the same space. In this conversation, we learn about what it is like having the system paint your identity and what are some of the current gaps when it comes to youth identifying as a part of the LGBTQ2S+ community. We hope you have enjoyed the first season and have taken something away from each conversation. We ask you to continue to support our movement and content by liking, sharing, and promoting it on your platforms. More is coming soon but until then, we hope you take care and stay safe.
If you want to partner with Samuel here is an email you can contact him by samuel.ashirbekov@gmail.com
Check out the full episode on the CYC podcast available on Spotify Google play and many other platforms.
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Want to know how to get involved or support our mission? Subscribe to our patron to get exclusive content and discounts on our merchandise.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/projectoutsiders
Website – www.projectoutsiders.com
Want to know what programs are available in your community? Check out our blog. We are constantly updating our page with new local programs, news, and policy changes. You can also learn about your rights and supports that are afforded to you by the government. Click here to find out more.
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Episode 13 - Vivian On Permanence After Care
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Welcome back to Project Outsiders. If you are returning, thank you so much for coming back and tuning into our podcast. We really appreciate all of your support and joining us along on our journey to improving the foster care system. For those who are new here, Welcome to the Foster Care Experience Podcast. We are a youth lead social organization that is trying to bridge the gap between youth in care with decision makers. We are all youth from care who have been pushed by our experience to ensure we see changes to a disconnected system. We are all incredibly passionate advocates and activists and want to create paths and opportunities for youth in care.
Today we are talking about permanency within child welfare. Youth in care experience abandonment, neglect, and isolation - this shapes their interaction in the world well after they leave care. The instability from moving around and the drastic feeling of abandonment youth feel once they turn 18 or 21 leave many youth feeling worthless. We want to learn how youth views the idea of permanency and its impact of attaining it even later in life. To help us with this discussion we have Vivian Patruno.
Vivian is undergoing permanency through the NeverTooLate program in partnership with PARC (Pape, Adolescent Resource Centre) She connected with her family when she was 23. What Vivian needs the world to know is that everyone deserves permanency and stability.
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Creating a Feminist, Fossil-Fuel Free Fashion Future, a conversation with Sophia Yang
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Sophia Yang speaks with Wolfgang about Threading Change, “a youth-led not-for-profit organization envisioning a future where fashion is ethical and circular, rooted in justice with climate, gender, and racial equity at the forefront.” In this motivating conversation Sophia discusses relationships between fashion, racism, environmental destruction, and what can be done to change these current realities.
This conversation is part of our ongoing partnership with Taking it Global
For more information on the programs we provide visit: http://risingyouth.ca
See here for more information about Threading Change
1. Join #ClothesBusters month: Threading Change's Spring Cleaning educational campaign here to demystify and bust popular clothing myths!
2. Threading Change is hiring! (unpaid for now, paid to start in summer)
3. Sign up for Threading Change's newsletter to get resources and stay up to date with local campaigns
1. Join the global Fashion Revolution Week and ask: #WHOMADEMYCLOTHES? (Fashion Revolution's website also has tons of other great reading, organizing, and campaigning resources as well!)
3. Check out Slow Factory Foundation's AMAZING Fashion Education courses for BIPOC
4. Sign the petition to end Uyghur forced labour in China
1. Blog post Sophia wrote on why we need to start Threading Change
2. Threading Change's global launch webinar
3. How to Buy Clothes Built to Last by Kendra Pierre-Louis
4. Vox article: Why is it so hard for clothing manufacturers to pay a living wage?
5. Gone Thrifting: How to Build A Better Thrifting System by Emily Stochl
6. What A Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050
7. Global Fashion Agenda's Fashion on Climate report
1. Film: Unravel
2. The True Cost (all on Youtube for free!)
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Episode 12: Keona Discusses Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Welcome back to Project Outsiders! If you are returning, thank you so much for coming back and tuning into our podcast. We really appreciate all of your support and joining us along on our journey to improving the foster care system. For those who are new here, Welcome to the Foster Care Experience Podcast. We are a youth lead social organization that is trying to bridge the gap between youth in care with decision makers. We are all youth from care who have been pushed by our experience to ensure we see changes to a disconnected system. We are all incredibly passionate advocates and activists and want to create paths and opportunities for youth in care.
In today's conversation we want to talk about mental health and the use of substances. For a lot of youth in care that is the number one tool we would resort to as a way to cope with our situation. It is not often that we have people in our life that are able to teach us healthy coping skills so we go with the ones taught to us by our peers who are also struggling. This becomes a complicated cycle to get out of once it has been habituated into your daily routine. When mental health becomes more of an issue the more easy it is for youth to fall deeper into an addiction. There are a lot of stigmas that come with having an addiction and today we want to learn more about how to prevent and overcome them. Here to tell us about her journey overcoming a global pandemic is Keona Sehmi.
(Keona’s Bio)
Keona Sehmi is a first voice advocate and participates in numerous committees as a youth advisor. Some of the committees she sits on includes the youth for change steering committee with OACAS, youth said through Halton CAS, She is an advisor for OACAS covid-19 mental health toolkit, and she is a peer mentor for the futures life skills and mentorship program. She plans to take a year off after she graduates for self growth and recovery, but plans to go to school for nursing to become a psychiatric nurse at mohawk.
Check out the full episode on the CYC podcast available on Spotify Google playas well as all other platforms.
Follow our socials:
Want to know how to get involved or support our mission? Subscribe to our patron to get exclusive content and discounts to our merchandise.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/projectoutsiders
Website – www.projectoutsiders.com
Want to know what programs are available in your community? Check out our blog. We are constantly updating our page with new local programs, news, and policy changes. You can also learn about your rights and supports that are afforded to you by the government.
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Episode 11 - A walk through the life of an Advocator with Christopher
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Children’s Aid societies are beginning to recognize the importance of the inclusion of youth voices and participating in conversations surrounding the barriers and areas of needed improvement within the child welfare system. We are seeing more collaborations between youth and agencies to develop a strategy to redesign Children's Aid, along with putting in place proper safety outlets for youth to safely advocate for themselves. First voice advocates are youth with first hand experience in child welfare who are driven to see changes within the system. One tool which was developed for the youth was the Advocacy office, which is closed (officially closed back in 2018). That impact weighs greatly on many people from care, especially current youth. Today we have Christopher Cottle who worked at the advocacy office as a youth Communications Amplifier and is here to speak on his experience and give his insight into what he feels needs to change.
Christopher’s plugs
Rising Youth and CYC
Check out the full episode on the CYC podcast available on Spotify Google playand many other platforms.
Follow our socials
Want to know how to get involved or support our mission? Subscribe to our patron to get exclusive content and discounts to our merchandise.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/projectoutsiders
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Episode 10 - Kia The Indigenous Youth Experience
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
The last known residential home for Indigenous people closed down in 1996, “it wasn’t that long ago” says Kia Lesage. A lot of damage has been done on the indegenious community and we can see its reflection in the child welfare system. It may not come as a surprise to you but Child Protection Services look very different the further you go from the city or more densely populated areas. The programming and supports are very limited in rural areas and youth are heavily affected by its unavailability. Things like addiction and mental health programs are scarce and these necessary programs are more needed than children’s Aid intervention and separation of children from their community. Today we hear and learn from kia who shares her story and insight to solutions.
Kia’s Socials
Check out the full episode on the CYC podcast available on Spotify Google play and many other platforms.
Follow our socials
Want to know how to get involved or support our mission? Subscribe to our patron to get exclusive content and discounts to our merchandise.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/projectoutsiders
Website – www.projectoutsiders.com
Want to know what programs are available in your community? Check out our blog. We are constantly updating our page with new local programs, news, and policy changes. You can also learn about your rights and supports that are afforded to you by the government.
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Episode 38 - FutureShot Factory with Riya Mehta
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
On this Episode of #RisingYouth Salvatore speaks with Riya Mehta founder of FutureShot Factory
This platform of websites is meant to educate students, especially young adults about the importance of combining SDG based issues with the use of technology for social good and change. The idea came to fruition when I realized that information isnt broken down properly for youth to understand, and being young myself I wanted a platform I could turn to better understand social impact goals through the lens of technology. During my years at The Knowledge Society (a teen accelerator program) I built this idea by constructing different websites, each tackling a different SDG goal by solving it with technology. Right now, I have around 3-4 active websites that discuss the importance of SDG goals with innovation, hosted on the domain futureshotfactory.com under projects. The future of this platform will contain more opportunities for youth go interact with social justice mentors to receive the help they need and design better solutions to problems.
For more information on the programs we provide please visit https://www.risingyouth.ca and https://www.tigweb.org
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
When an individual navigates the world with a physical disability they always need to be adapting to the obstacles put in their path in order to continue to survive. Today we want to learn about how people with disabilities experience the child welfare system. What are the barriers they face due to their disability, and do they have enough services and support in place to accommodate for their needs? Gabe Brokennshire is a former youth in care and lives with cerebral palsy. This was a very eye opening conversation and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Friday Mar 05, 2021
A message to the listeners
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Hey CYC Podcast Listeners, First I would like to say thank you for welcoming the Project outsiders team on board you’re regularly schedule programming. We love all the work that has happened prior to us and we hope to continue to provide unique conversations for our listeners as we continue to make new episodes. If you haven’t yet please follow us on social media and check out Project Outsiders on Spotify to follow our new page as we have exclusive bonus content you can’t find anywhere else on there. We were suffering from some technical difficulties with our upload schedule lately but our episodes are still going to be posted on the CYC and C2Y network alongside the rising youth podcast which is finishing its second season shortly.
We have a lot of new episodes we are sure you will love to hear and we are also in the process of developing our second season of the Project Outsiders. Please be sure to follow us on instagram, twitter, Facebook, linkedin and YouTube at project outsiders and we look forward to continuing to share the youth perspective. This is Chanice McAnuff signing out and well be back to posting this Friday!
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Black Lives Matter YXE: A conversation with Tomilola Ojo
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Episode 6 - A Retrospective on the Care system w/ Troy
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
What do black youth need to put an end to generations after generations of poverty? Where did it all begin? Why is this still and issue? The overrepresentation of black youth in care in Ontario is staggering and the impacts on the family is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the children caught in between. We sat down and had a very insightful conversation about what black families really need to be able to heal from our history. Troy elleston, an academic and business professional, educates us on the importance of having representation of black leaders within our communities and acquiring mentorship to pass on these skills and important life lessons to our youth.
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
ARTS episode 68 social workers vs CYWs w/ Melanie Matthews
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
On this weeks episode of ARTS with Salvatore D’Agostino interviews Melanie Matthews a practicing Private practitioner in the Social Work sector. Melanie Matthews runs her own podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/5NivfGdAQOMoM8cX254eKk?si=wcxiqFOsRAWQgUWPvZTXPw Where she interviews individuals that are working in various sectors of the Social Work industry. In this episode Melanie and Salvatore discuss this major disparities between being a CYW and a MSW.