
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Institutional Care in Kenya, a Personal Perspective from Stephen Ucembe
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016

Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Sexual Abuse Seen as an Individual
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
On this episode of Your Right to Speak, Salvatore and Jenn speak with Carleen as they continue on the topic of Sexual Abuse. Carleen talks about how there is not a one-fits-all therapy for sexual abuse and how the therapy needs to meet where the individual is at mentally and emotionally. Carleen makes it a point to say that labels such as survivor or victim are often charge but she found in her experiences people who are sexually abuse want to be seen as an individual. Carleen talks about how some people who are sexually abused may have a positive reaction to their body however it was not wanted and it creates a scene of guilt, shame and how to address this in therapy.
If you are a child or youth that would like to be on the show or if you have a topic that you think we should talk about please email Salvatore at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Do We Really Want Compliance? A conversation with Dr. Lorraine Fox
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016

Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Sexual Abuse: A Discussion with Cheyanne Ratnam
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
On this episode, we talk with Cheyanne about sexual abuse. Cheyanne talks about her unfortunate experiences as a sexual abuse survivor, as well as why it is taboo to talk about sexual abuse and the connection to culture. There is discussion on how to recover as a survivor or victim and the importance of an individual to label themselves. Cheyanne stresses the importance of using a cultural humility perceptive.
Facebook: Abuse Never Becomes Us (ANBU)
Twitter: cheyratnam
Facebook Subscribe: Cheyanne Ratnam
LinkedIN: LI: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/cheyanneratnam

Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
A Last Resort Profession – Resisting the Trend. A presentation by Kiaras Gharabaghi
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
This week is a recording of the closing key note talk from the 2016 Canadian National Child and Youth Care conference, which took place in Halifax. In May of this year there was a report released called Because Young People Matter: Report of the Residential Services Review Panel. It is well worth reading, you can find a link to it here. Kiaras Gharabaghi is one of the three authors and in this talk he shares some of his learning and reflections from the report. The presentation is one hour long. Here is the description of his closing keynote:
“How is it that once the evidence has failed, the treatment is a bust, and the systems scratch their heads we look to CYCs to take over? Over the past ten years, professional structures, policy moves and institutional responses to young people facing adversity have prioritized rhetorical movements over relational practices. From family-based care to evidence-based treatment approaches, anything but child and youth care practice has de facto carried the day, until the system’s failures become sufficiently apparent that there is only one move left; the move of last resort – the move into places where child and youth care practitioners are asked to work miracles, but expected to accomplish little. The time to resist this trend is now. Gharabaghi argues that unless we elevate our approaches to stand as alternatives to the current rhetorical front runners, our profession will become known as the profession of last resort. Much is at stake.”

Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
A Talk With Ontario Autism Coalition
Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
Wednesday Aug 10, 2016
On this episode of Your Right to Speak we introduce Jenn as the new co-host. We talk with Laura and Bruce who are member of an Organization called Ontario Autism Coalition. Laura and Bruce talk about the recent IBI age cut off and how there fought for change. The conversation then turns to gaps within the education system and how teachers could better work with student with disabilities.
Ontario Autism Coalition website: http://ontarioautismcoalition.com/
Ontario Autism Coalition Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4179793644/
If you are a child or youth that would like to be on the show or if you have a topic that you think we should talk about please email Salvatore at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Non-Adult Sex Work, A Discussion with Nikki Thomas
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
A look within the LGBTQ Community: One Persons Opinion
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
On this episode, we talk with Joey who is the lead of digital media for Pride Toronto. Joey talks about how he feels society more accepting towards the LGBTQ+ community however, there are some challenges.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Adult Allies in Youth Justice Movements with Dr. Hava Gordon
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016

Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Thinking of Sexuality as a Spectrum
Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Wednesday Jun 08, 2016

Wednesday May 25, 2016
Confessions of a (former) Teenage Transexual Whore, a conversation with Star.
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Wednesday May 25, 2016
In this interview: Star, who wrote the zine series “Confessions of a Teenage Transexual Whore” talks about their time doing sex work and making art. They also discuss reasons people do sex work, how to support people who are engaged in such work, and what harm reduction might look like in those contexts. Star, who also uses the name Markus, is a visual artist, writer, student, educator, trans, videographer, and activist. They are currently doing an undergraduate degree in sociology and actively making art. You can find much of their work at starkisscreations.com

Wednesday May 11, 2016
Spanking Your Child: Good or Bad?
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Wednesday May 11, 2016
On this episode we talk with Megan, a recent graduate from Humber Colleges Child and Youth Care Degree. Megan talks with Sammy and Josh about her thesis on sections 43 of the Canadian criminal code and corporal punishment. The 3 discuss how children are viewed and how the discourse of a child needs to change to match the current times. The discussion then focuses on parenting and the use of corporal punishment as a parenting tool and the challenges with that. It was also noted that communication with the young person is really important to start moving away from using corporal punishment.
If you are a child/youth that would like to be on the show or if you have an idea of what you think we should talk about please email Sammy and Josh at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Harm Reduction Programs For Youth Around The World With Murtaza Majeed from YouthRISE
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Social Media, Communications and Young Peoples Voice
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
On this episode of Your Right to Speak, Sammy and Josh talk with Sho and Aki about the use of social media, communications and elevating the voice of young people and social justice movements. There is discussion about how social media and communications should be used together, and how social media has become a new way for young people to express their views.
If you are a child/youth that would like to be on the show or if you have an idea of what you think we should talk about please email Sammy and Josh at yourrighttospeak@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Being a Mindful Practitioner, Parent, and Person with Tina Lackner
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
- Christiane Kerr - "Enchanted Meditations For Kids" or "Calm for Kids"
- Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda by Lauren Alderfer
- Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Christopher Willard
- Insight Timer- https://insighttimer.com
- Tara Brach- https://www.tarabrach
- Headspace- https://www.headspace.com
- 10 Mindful Minutes by Goldie Hawn
- Still Like A Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and their parents) by Eline Snel,
- Parenting the Mindful Child by Susan Kaiser Greenland and Child's Mind: Mindfulness practices to help our children be more focused, calm, and relaxed by Christopher Willard
- Acceptance & Mindfulness treatment for children and adolescents: A practitioners guide by Thomas Ollendick, Steven Hayes, Lauren Greco